Saturday, March 17, 2012


A little over a month ago, just before my 25th birthday, I saw a movie that I believe has changed my life. Not My Life is not your typical documentary, and it definitely does not tell your typical story. In fact, it is so atypical that it literally shows the reality of millions of young people all around the world. "How can one, two-hour long documentary tell the story of millions?" you may be asking. Well, my answer comes in the form of two words which, when said together, define some of the most horrifying, inhumane, and degrading acts known to humanity. And these two words, this sad truth is: HUMAN TRAFFICKING.

After watching Not My Life, I wasn't sure what to do. After all, human trafficking is this HUGE thing, and it's happening all over the world. What could I do to change it? But something inside me wouldn't stop being bothered, and I knew that I could do more than just sit back. And so I decided to start with myself, and do all that I could to learn as much as I could about human trafficking.

And the result was this: #25for25, an online commitment that I made to myself and to all of my "friends" and "followers" to post a different fact/video/website/resource about human trafficking EVERY DAY for 25 DAYS in commemoration of my 25th Birthday. It was an amazing experience, and I can only hope that I was able to share even a fraction of the information that I learned about in those 25 days.

Here are those 25 posts. I hope that you can use this as a resource to empower yourselves and others to work towards ending human trafficking today. Human trafficking IS modern-day slavery. It affects millions around the world, predominantly women and children, and it takes many forms. From the sex-trade industry to child labor, it is ALL human trafficking, and it must be stopped. Together, let's become more aware, more conscious, more active, more upset, more defiant, and more committed to changing the painful reality of human trafficking in our world today.

25 Days. Advocating against Human Trafficking. For my 25th Birthday.

Day 1: Go to
See a clip from this film. Get uncomfortable. Spread the word.
Today, I saw the documentary, Not My Life, and was all at once amazed, enraged, and disgusted by how we as human beings have come to treat one another, especially in the exploitation of the most vulnerable children of our world... Equally upsetting is how not enough people know about the prevalence of Human Trafficking in our towns, communities, villages, maybe even our own families... So since I will be turning 25 in a couple of weeks, I think I'm gonna try something different this year. For the next 25 days, I will be posting a status about human trafficking in the hopes that you will read it and pass the message along. The first step to working for justice is to educate ourselves, so let's work together to make this happen. Because no one should NOT be bothered by this issue...
Go see "Not My Life," and help me out with my 25 for 25... Nothing would make me happier this birthday than to see you post a status this month advocating against human trafficking. #25for25 #endhumantrafficking

Day 2: Human Trafficking IS Slavery.Visit It takes several forms. From drug trafficking to domestic servitude, sex trafficking to the training of child there no end to the depths of evil that we humans will succumb to?

Watch this short video to see 10 Quick Facts about modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

Day 4: SEE SOMETHING? SAY SOMETHING! much evil do we ignore or turn a blind eye to on a daily basis. Human trafficking is happening all around us. If you see something, say something...and report it!

Think the issue is too big and that there's nothing you can do? Well, can you sign your name? 'Cause that's one way to get involved! Visit: Read about some open petitions that other "bothered" people have started. ADD YOUR NAME TO THE LIST!  Or start your own petition!

Day 6: LISTEN!
Here are 5 stories of human trafficking told by the victims themselves. Take the time. Be moved. To action.

Day 7: The numbers and facts are astonishing...
MILLIONS are affected by human trafficking everyday. I love this tagline: "They are invisible. And they are everywhere." Let's open our eyes, voice our outrage, and give one another our humanity back.

Day 8: Prayer.
Dear God, I pray for all those who are suffering everyday as victims of slavery and human trafficking -- for all children who have had their innocence stolen from them, for all women who are abused and mistreated daily, for all people who are enslaved, and especially, for all those whose life circumstances, personal choices, and decisions have led them to act with such hatred and evil. Help us to act justly and empower us to find a way to end human trafficking soon. Amen.

Day 9: Get Creative.
People everywhere are using their individual gifts and talents to advocate against human trafficking in their own ways. Watch this video of shadowhand master Bob Stromberg as he helps to tell the story of a young victim through his craft...

Day 10: What is REAL LOVE? Valentine's Day Post.

Human traffickers have manipulated love to fit their own selfish and evil needs. Many promise loving parents a better future for their children.... Others offer a false sense of love and security to women and children in exchange for sexual acts, forced labor, or commitment to violence. Instead of receiving real love, these victims have just been forgotten.
Today is Valentine's Day. REAL LOVE is Universal. REAL LOVE is a Human Right. Celebrate REAL LOVE today by giving a voice to the world's forgotten...

Day 11: Born. Birthday Post.

Many children are born directly into the hands of the sex trade/human trafficking/modern slavery industry without a choice of their own to have a better, safer life.
Today is my birthday. And while I am thankful for all of the gifts and graces that have been a part of my life, I am incredibly pained and saddened that not everyone has been born into the same circumstances. With privilege comes responsibility. I do believe that EVERYONE has the same rights to a happy and safe childhood like I had, and so I will continue to speak out against human trafficking. I hope you will join me.


Think that nothing you do on a regular, everyday basis advances the human trafficking industry? Yea, I thought the same... Until I visited this site, completed the survery, and found out that I was wrong....Visit the site, take the survey, be amazed. I just found out that I currently have 37 slaves working for me, providing me with products that I feel like I need on a daily basis. Now I'm working to lower that number to 0. Thanks to Elizabeth Donohue for sharing this link with me: (

Day 13: LOVE146

LOVE146 is an incredible organization which works towards the prevention of human trafficking, as well as in the very difficult world of aftercare for survivors of child sex slavery and exploitation. Here is one video giving an overview of LOVE146's work, but please take the time to explore their website further, hear some amazing stories, and spread the word. We can all do something to #endslavery!

Day 14: Support Empowerment. Made by Survivors.
Check out, just one great organization providing economic empowerment for survivors of #humantrafficking. Watch this short documentary and spread the word!

Day 15: Sunday Prayer.
Dear God, I pray for all those who are suffering everyday as victims of slavery and human trafficking -- for all children who have had their innocence stolen from them, for all women who are abused and mistreated daily, for all people who work to advocate against trafficking, and for all who empower & support survivors. Lastly, let's pray for all those whose life circumstances, personal choices, and decisions have led them to act with such hatred and evil. Help us to act justly and empower us to find a way to end human trafficking soon. Amen.

Day 16: Very Young Girls. GEMS.

Sex Trafficking. New York City. Very Young Girls.
Watch this trailer. Be moved. Support GEMS. Spread the word.

Day 17: Somaly Mam. 

Have you heard of Somaly Mam? She's an amazing author, human rights advocate, and survivor of human trafficking. Through her work, her writing, and advocacy, she has given a voice to millions of victims around the world. Visit the official website of the Somaly Mam Foundation (, and watch this video about Project Futures Global, the volunteer advocacy initiative inspired by her story. Get involved today!

Day 18: Polaris Project.
I think I have shared about Polaris Project before, but I think it is worthwhile to post about it again... Started 10 years ago by a couple of recent college graduates, Polaris Project has grown to be one of the most influential organizations in the United States that advocates against human trafficking and supports victims. Their story is inspiring. It shows that ANYONE can make a difference. All one has to do is say YES to the call...

Day 19: International Justice Mission.

The work that the International Justice Mission is nothing short of incredible! Watch this short introduction video to see what they do everyday to #endhumantrafficking!
Then, visit this link and sign a petition drafted by the IJM to be presented to President Obama urging him to #endhumantrafficking!

Day 20: Not For Sale Campaign.

I cannot say enough about the Not For Sale Campaign and their incredible initiatives. Just visit their website once and you'll be drawn in! Particularly awesome are the "Student Abolitionist Movement" and their "Free 2..." pages. Please check them out and support them if you can!

Day 21: End Human Trafficking Now.
For all my business minded friends out there, please visit, a great website for the first worldwide initiative created to engage the private sector in the fight against modern day slavery and human trafficking. We can all do our part!

Day 22: Sunday Prayer. FREEDOM SUNDAY.
Dear God, I pray for all those who are suffering everyday as victims of slavery and human trafficking -- for all children who have had their innocence stolen from them, for all women who are abused and mistreated daily, for all people who work to advocate against trafficking, and for all who empower & sup...port survivors. Lastly, let's pray for all those whose life circumstances, personal choices, and decisions have led them to act with such hatred and evil. Help us to act justly and empower us to find a way to end human trafficking soon. Amen.
In addition, today is FREEDOM SUNDAY!
Learn more and participate here:

Day 23: + Congo Video
FreeTheSlaves is a great organization working on the front lines to eliminate systems that perpetuate human trafficking and slavery in countries all over the world. Visit their website and learn about the amazing work they are doing all over the world... Of particular note is this video about slavery in the mining industry the Congo. Be moved. And then Be Part of the Solution.

Day 24: Stay Educated!
Almost at the end of #25for25 and grateful for how much of a learning experience this has been for me... I hope to continue to stay informed and to keep fighting to #endslavery...I hope you will too!
Visit regularly -- hear victims' stories, be inspired by survivors, and join the fight today!

Day 25: From Facebook to...
Today is the last day of my #25for25 online initiative. But it is by no means the last of a lifelong initiative to advocate against human trafficking. I have learned so much this past month, and I want to thank you all for journeying along with me.

When I started this, the image that was fueling my resolve came from a scene in "Not My Life" where a young survivor said that people around her knew exactly what was happening to her, but chose to do nothing. I have been one of those people who chose to do nothing in the past, and I refuse to be that person anymore. Please join me in this fight. We can change the world if we want to...